OTET 2019 Child Development and Pedagogy 300 MCQs
1.Which organisation of our State prepares the courses of studies for the primary level ?
(B) TE & SCERT..
2.Which one of the followings indicates child’s physical growth ?
(A) Negative
(B) Quantitative..
(C) Qualitative
(D) Positive
3. “Individual learns from his own mistakes” This statement is based on which learning theory ?
(A) Instrumental conditioning
(B) Insight
(C) Trial & Error..
(D) Classical conditioning
4. Which of the following statements is not true ?
(A) Growth is a biological process
(B) Development is a quantitative process..
(C) Education is a goal-oriented process
(D) Learning is a process of behavioural changes
5. Which of the following statement is not true in case of multiple choice questions ?
(A) Even an inexperienced teacher can prepare the questions easily..
(B) All choices appear to be plausible
(C) Error-free and quick evaluation is possible by computer
(D) Only one of the choices is the correct answer
6. What type of evaluation identifies learning deficiencies and difficulties of the learners ?
(A) Placement
(B) Summative
(C) Continuous
(D) Diagnostic..
7. Both the chronological age and the mental age of a pupil is 7 years. He may be classified into which category ?
(A) Below normal intelligence
(B) Normal intelligence..
(C) Superior intelligence
(D) Genius
8. Which is different from the other three with respect to fine motor Movement ?
(A) Dot Joining
(B) Dictation
(C) Handwriting
(D) Separation of fruits and vegetables..
9.At the pre-primary stage reading aloud while writing is given importance. This is based on
which theory of learning ?
(A) Trial & Error
(B) Conditioning..
(C) Insight
(D) Imitation
10.Which one of the following is not taken into consideration while preparing the blueprint for
a test?
(A) Topic
(B) Instructional objectives
(C) From of questions
(D) Teaching time..
11.Psychology is a —————.
(A) science of soul
(B) science of mind
(C) science of consciousness
12.Which is not a factor of motivation ?
(A) Prize
(B) Incentive
(B) Incentive
(C) Praise
(D) Practice..
(D) Practice..
13.What is the stage from 2 to 6 years called ?
(A) Pre-childhood..
(B) Infancy
(C) Later childhood
(D) Pre-adolescence
14.The teacher studies pupils group behaviour mainly by which of the following
methods ?
(A) Interview
(B) Experimentation
(C) Case history
(D) Observation..
15.Which one does not indicate child’s emotion ?
(A) Pleasure
(B) Sorrow
(C) Curiosity
(D) Tolerance..
16.What type of game is it called when a child derives pleasure by watching others playing instead of playing himself ?
(A) Participatory
(B) Free
(C) Non-participatory..
(D) Controlled
17.Which one is not an element of intellectual development ?
(A) Creativity
(B) Tolerance..
(C) Thinking
(D) Imagination
18.“Analytic and Synthetic abilities of mind is called intelligence” — who propounded this theory ?
(A) Spearman..
(A) Spearman..
(B) Jean Piaget
(C) Galton
(D) Tarman
19.Which class of learners are not included under “Exceptional Category” ?
(A) Slow
(B) Retarded
(C) Normal..
(D) Gifted
20. Which one of the followings is not a merit of use of teaching aids ?
(A) Enhancing content knowledge of the teacher..
(B) Making learning process easier
(C) Creating interest of the child for the topic
(D) Imparting concrete knowledge relating to the topic
21.Which of the following is achieved by the use of Audio-Visual Aids ?
(A) Eyesight is sharpened
(B) Visual and Auditory coordination is established..
(C) Hearing is sharpened
(D) Both hearing and eyesight are sharpened
22.Which one of the following is not an element of mastery learning ?
(A) Use of alternate text-book
(B) Alternate methods of teaching
(C) Child-centred learning activity
(D) Group teaching..
23. A student derived immense pleasure by solving a mathematical problem correctly while doing homework and became interested to solve the next problem — This is based on which law of learning ?
(A) Law of readiness
(B) Law of exercise
(C) Law of similarity
(D) Law of effect..
24.Which one of the following is measured by continuous comprehensive evaluation ?
(A) Holistic development.. (B) Development of creativity
(C) Development of experience (D) Development of divergent thinking
25.Which test is conducted to estimate the future efficiency and achievement of a student based on his present educational achievements ?
(A) Aptitude test..
(B) Achievement test
(C) Unit test
(D) Attitude test
26.Which of the following is a dimensional teaching aid ?
(A) BlackBoard
(B) Display Board
(C) Still Picture
(D) Model..
27.By which of the following methods the pupils of primary school mainly gain experience ?
(A) Concrete observation..
(B) Hearing from others
(C) Imitation
(D) Imaginary thinking
28.Which of the following is not an element of activity-based learning ?
(A) Meaningful learning
(B) Relatively permanent learning
(C) Very active teacher..
(D) Pleasant learning
29.Which of the following is not a characteristic of multi-grade teaching ?
(A) One teacher teaches simultaneously in more than one class
(B) The teacher gives task in one class and teaches in the other class
(C) The teacher teaches in both the classes serially..
(D) While teaching in one class maintains discipline in the other class through the monitor
30.Which is not a component of creative thinking ?
(A) Divergent thinking
(B) Convergent thinking..
(C) Flexible thinking
(D) Novel thinking
31. How is the teacher benefitted by the study of Educational Psychology ?
(A) Increases his content knowledge
(B) Gets social status
(C) Develops judgement and thinking power
(D) Develops the power to understand the education..
32.What is called an objective type of question ?
(A) Question which measures a specific objective of learning
(B) Question which measures specific topic
(C) Question which has only one specific answer..
(D) Question which measures more than one objectives of learning
33.Which test is mainly used for class promotion ?
(A) Achievement test..
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Application test
(D) Oral test
34.Who classified instructional objectives ?
(A) Bloom..
(B) Guilford
(C) Galton
(D) Piaget
35.A teacher conducted a mathematics test with ten items and applied it on the pupils of the same class at different times and found that marks scored by each pupil remain almost constant. What does this indicate about the characteristic of the test ?
(A) Validity
(B) Reliability..
(B) Reliability..
(C) Usability
(D) Objectivity
(D) Objectivity
36.Which of the following is regulated in mastery learning ?
(A) Teaching time..
(B) Teaching content
(C) Minimum level of learning
(D) Objectives of learning
37.The test conducted at the time of teaching belongs to what type of evaluation ?
(A) Formative..
(B) Summative
(C) Placement
(D) Diagnostic
38.The I. Q. of a child is 100 and his mental age is 6 years. To which class should the child be admitted ?
(A) Pre-primary
(B) Child-care centre
(C) Class-one..
(D) Class-two
39.An individual responded to a particular stimulus differently at different times. To which of the following does it indicate ?
(A) Inter-individual difference
(B) Time-stimulus difference
(C) Intra-personal difference..
(D) None of the above
40.If a question measures the same objective of learning for which it is constructed, then it indicates which characteristic of the test ?
(A) Reliability
(B) Objectivity
(C) Validity..
(D) Usability
41.What stage of growth and development is called as the ‘period of stress and strain’ ?
(A) Childhood
(B) Late-childhood
(B) Late-childhood
(C) Adolescence..
(D) Adulthood
(D) Adulthood
42.The intellectual development of a child takes place mainly in four stages — who propounded
this theory ?
(A) Skinner
(B) Piaget..
(B) Piaget..
(C) Kohlberg
(D) Rickson
(D) Rickson
43.Which of the following should an ideal teacher emphasize ?
(A) Objective-based teaching
(B) Activity-based teaching
(C) Pupil-centred teaching
(D) All of the above..
44.Which order is correct in the preparation of a standardised test ?
(A) Selection of topic – Identification of objectives – Blueprint preparation – Writing the
(B) Selection of topic – Blueprint preparation – Identification of objectives – Writing the
(C) Preparation of Blueprint – Identification of objectives – Selection of topic – Writing
the questions
(D) Identification of objectives – Blueprint preparation – Writing the questions –
Analysis of questions..
45.Which of the followings is mainly used to study the punctuality of the pupils at the primary schools ?
(A) Check-list..
(B) Interview
(C) Rating scale
(D) Questionnaire
46.Which of the following data is collected for individual case-study ?
(A) Relation with friends
(B) Relation with neighbours
(C) Relation with classmates
(D) All of the above..
47.Which of the following Process indicates learning ?
(A) Process of behavioural changes..
(B) Process of qualitative development
(C) Process of practice
(D) All of the above
48.What is the role of motivation in learning ?
(A) It makes the behaviour goal-directed
(B) It makes the behaviour systematic
(C) It activates the learners behaviour
(D) All of the above..
49.A teacher asked the students about the uses of paper. A child gave 10 to 15 examples of the practical use of paper. This indicates what type of thought process ?
(A) Divergent..
(B) Convergent
(C) Controlled
(D) Imaginary
50.Which one of the following statement is not applicable for development ?
(A) Development is a lifelong process
(B) Physical maturity is development..
(C) Development is qualitative as well as quantitative
(D) Development is individual centred
51.What step should be taken for the education of underachievers?
(A) Separate classroom
(B) Separate curriculum
(C) Special teaching method
(D) All of the above..
52.“Hit the Iron when it is hot” — on which law of learning is it based ?
(A) Law of Readiness..
(B) Law of Exercise
(C) Law of Effect
(D) None of the above
(D) None of the above
53. Which sequence is correct from the point of view of teaching method ?
(A) Presentation of the topic — Explanation — Testing of previous knowledge — Evaluation
(B) Presentation of the topic — Introduction — Testing of previous knowledge — Evaluation
(C) Testing of previous knowledge — Presentation of the topic — Presentation of new
knowledge — Evaluation..
(D) Presentation of the topic — Presentation of new knowledge — Evaluation — Explanation
54.What should a teacher do for the intellectual development of gifted pupils ?
(A) Ask inquisitive questions
(B) Opportunity for divergent thinking
(C) Ask analytical and application type of questions
(D) All of the above..
55.Which of the following is not used in formative evaluation ?
(A) Homework..
(B) Rating scale
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Unit test
56.In activity-based teaching ———
(A) learners remain active
(B) learning becomes pleasant
(C) learning becomes purposeful
(D) All of the above..
57.Who for the first time prepared two parallel tests for the measurement of intelligence ?
(A) Binet and Simon
(B) Binet and Terman
(C) Terman and Merril..
(D) Binet and Merril
58.Which one of the following is not a projected aid ?
(A) Map
(B) Film
(C) Flannel Board..
(D) Still picture
59.Which one of the following statements is not applicable for child-centred education ?
(A) Importance is given on achieving learning skills by the pupils
(B) Teacher works as facilitator of learning
(C) Importance is given on the presence of the pupil in the class-room..
(D) Importance is given on all-round development of the pupil
60.Who experimented with a cat to establish his learning theory ?
(A) Pavlov
(B) Thorndike..
(C) Skinner
(D) Kohler
61. Which statement is not applicable to objective type of questions ?
(A) More content can be covered.
(B) Correct measurement is possible.
(C) Quick and correct valuation is possible
(D) Measuring more than one learning objective is possible..
62. ‘Nothing succeeds like success’, this statement is based on which law of learning as propounded by Thorndike ?
(A) Practice
(B) Readiness
(C) Effect..
(D) Recency
63. Which is not a sub-law of ‘Law of Practice’ ?
(A) Law of Set..
(B) Law of Use
(C) Law of Disuse
(D) Law of Recency
64. Which is the proper method of remedial learning ?
(A) Home task
(B) Group discussion by the teacher
(C) Co-operative learning..
(D) Participation
65. According to Terman, what is the intelligence quotient of gifted children ?
(A) 100
(B) 100 to 120
(C) 120 to 140
(D) More than 140..
66. Which method is not useful for identifying slow-learners ?
(A) Intelligence testing
(B) Interview with parents..
(C) Observation by the teacher
(D) Achievement testing
67. Which is an example of intrinsic motivation ?
(A) Aspiration..
(B) Praise
(C) Encouragement
(D) Prize
68. What type of evaluation should be done to know if a child is fit for admission into class VII ?
(A) Placement..
(B) Formative
(C) Diagnostic
(D) Summative
69. What language should the teacher use while teaching the scheduled tribe students so as to meet their language problems ?
(A) Pupils’ spoken language
(B) Standard language
(B) Standard language
(C) Book language
(D) Both book and spoken language..
(D) Both book and spoken language..
70. Which learning method is not activity-based ?
(A) Basic education method
(B) Laboratory method
(C) Play-way method
(D) Question-answer method..
71. Which is not related to motor learning ?
(A) Drawing
(B) Imitation..
(C) Cycling
(D) Typewriting
72. Why is there dual-class teaching system in elementary schools ?
(A) Want of classrooms
(B) Making the teachers more active
(C) Less number of teachers in proportion to the number of classes..
(D) Maintaining discipline
73. “Natural response to a stimulus can be associated with another stimulus.” Which learning theory is related to it ?
(A) Conditioning..
(B) Trial and error
(C) Insightful
(D) Instrumental conditioning
74. Which one of the following is wrong ?
(A) Development is a lifelong process
(B) Development always takes place uniformly..
(C) Development is individualistic
(D) Development does not stop at maturation
75. Mental health of the child is influenced by which one ?
(A) Parents’ aspiration
(B) Teacher’s behaviour
(C) Peer behaviour
(D) All of these..
76. Whole and part learning concept is based upon which learning theory ?
(A) Trial and error
(B) Insightful..
(C) Field theory
(D) Instrumental
77. Which one is helpful in developing creativity ?
(A) Writing different uses of a piece of brick..
(B) Writing a sentence ten times
(C) Working out ten addition problems
(D) Counting the alphabets in a sentence.
78. What is inclusive education ?
(A) To teach by integrating all subjects
(B) To teach all categories of learners together according to their needs..
(C) To teach different categories of learners in different groups
(D) To make provision of form a learning for all
79. Which one is a teacher-centred teaching-learning process ?
(A) Teacher works as a facilitator of learning
(B) Teacher explains with the help of teaching-learning materials..
(C) Teacher supervises learning activities
(D) Teacher helps the learner to gather experience
80. Which one is not related to competency-based teaching-learning ?
(A) A lesson is divided into some smaller units
(B) Competencies are arranged serially from simple to complex
(C) Each competency is based on previous competency
(D) Teaching-learning of all competencies is done simultaneously..
81. In what type of questions the possibility of guessing is the least ?
(A) Completion type
(B) Yes/No questions
(C) Four-option type..
(D) Answering in a single sentence
82. What type of questions are asked at the last step of teaching in a period ?
(A) Placement
(B) Diagnostic
(C) Summative..
(D) Formative
83. Which one is not a tool of observation ?
(A) Anecdotal record
(B) Achievement test..
(C) Rating scale
(D) Checklist
84. Which one is not a free response type question ?
(A) How many gases are released by a tree during day time ?..
(B) Describe the functions of leaf
(C) Write the uses of water
(D) Explain how a piece of stick can be used.
85. Which factor of the teaching-learning process is influenced by educational psychology ?
(A) Teaching method
(B) Learning experience
(C) Evaluation
(D) All of these..
86. Which one influences the development of the child ?
(A) Teacher’s behaviour towards the child
(B) Parent’s behaviour towards the child
(C) Peer influence on the child
(D) All of these..
87. What should the teacher do to correct the mistake committed by the child during the teaching-learning process?
(A) Punish the child
(B) Correct the mistake indirectly..
(B) Correct the mistake indirectly..
(C) Correct the mistake through other students
(D) Correct the mistake immediately in the classroom
88. At what stage of intellectual development, does problem solving ability of the pupil take place ?
(A) Sensory-motor
(B) Pre-operational
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Formal operational..
89. The mental age of a 10 years old learner is 10 years. To what class the learner belongs ?
(A) Less intelligent
(B) Average intelligent..
(C) High intelligent
(D) Very low intelligent
90. Which statement is not applicable for 'education’ ?
(A) Education is a goal-directed process
(B) Education is a lifelong process
(C) Education is a behaviour modification process
(D) Education is only a formal process..
More Question Will Be Added Soon...Stay Tuned...
Bhai answer kemity janibu
ReplyDeleteBlackjacks are paid three to 2 or a lot as} 50% more than another hand. If your first two playing cards are of equal worth, you've have} the choice of "splitting" them into two separate arms. For example, 솔카지노 two Aces – you'll be able to|you presumably can} "cut up" them into two separate arms, and play them each for the round. A hand by which an Ace's worth is counted as 11 identified as} a Soft hand, because of|as a outcome of} it can't be busted if the participant attracts another card. When an ace is counted as one point, this is called a Hard hand. An Ace's worth is 11 unless this is able to|this may} trigger the participant to bust, by which case it's worth 1.